International Conference
MANAGEMENT May 17 19, 2007
IUFRO Unit 4.05.00 - Managerial Economics and AccountingIUFRO Unit 4.05.01 - Managerial, social and environmental accounting IUFRO Unit 4.05.02 - Managerial economics |
Opportunities and Challenges of Responding to the Kyoto Protocol through Forestry
Maria Nijnik
The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen, the United Kingdom
Climate change is widely recognised as the most serious environmental threat, which might have diverse local, regional and global consequences. Many climate policy and research initiatives that focus on carbon uptake are directed toward both woodlands expansion and using wood as a substitute for fossil fuels. However, there is a knowledge gap with respect to the socio-economic aspects of carbon sequestration forest policy activities. Important is to identify projects which will be coherent, effective, efficient, widely acceptable by the public, and consistent with other aspects of sustainable development. From an interdisciplinary perspective and being based on the ideas and approaches of ecological economics, this paper assists in reconciling sustainable development with carbon sequestration forest policy initiatives. The paper addresses the questions of how to define sustainability of afforestation and biomass production in a broadly acceptable way; how to translate sustainability requirements into policy guidelines; how to address the economics of carbon sequestration projects and overcome market limitations, and where to place forest development and biomass production in the general context of land use, where policy reforms (i.e. CAP reform in the EU) and contemporary agricultural change will likely be influential.