International Conference
MANAGEMENT May 17 19, 2007
IUFRO Unit 4.05.00 - Managerial Economics and AccountingIUFRO Unit 4.05.01 - Managerial, social and environmental accounting IUFRO Unit 4.05.02 - Managerial economics |
Anatoliy Deyneka
Director and Chairman of the Board, Lviv Regional Forestry Administration, State Forestry Committee Yavornytskoho St. 8b, Lviv, Ukraine, 79054, e-mail:
Associate Professor, Department of Forest Enterprises, Economics and Management, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukraine
Carpathians forests have not only a regional importance but an international one too - in formation of the climate in Middle Europe, conserving of biodiversity because of existing extremely valuable virgin forests. The have an influence on the economic, social and cultural development of region. They play a crucial role in protecting watersheds from flooding and erosion; they provide income for the local population through timber and non-timber use and tourism; they constitute generally the main basis of socio-economic development in this part of Ukraine.
The well-being of rural local communities in forested mountain regions (in Ukraine its Carpathian Mountains) depends directly from sustainable development of forestry. The influence of local authorities, local communities on natural resource planning decision making process are very limited in Ukraine generally but in mountainous regions especially. In situation with economy in transition with high rate of unemployment and migration of population, economically weak rural communities a lot of social, environmental and economic problems exists in the region. Analysis of statistical data clearly shows that the rate of unemployment is typically higher in regions which include mountainous districts then average. Consequently, in a social discourse for the people which live in the mountain region, general impoverishment and loss of the traditional knowledge and skills is common, which leads to merciless attitude toward environment.
The Law on the Status of Mountain and Human Settlements, January 12, 1995 seeks to protect the material security of vulnerable mountain population by ensuring the social and economic development of mountain settlements. According to the established criteria, the statuses of mountain settlements possess 711 administrative units (villages and towns) and 890.5 thousand people. Unfortunately, adverse economic conditions have so far precluded full implementation of abovementioned law. Thats why interests of the achieving sustainability for this region of Ukraine, including development of sustainable communities require the urgent and active measures at all the levels: international, national, regional, and local.
Key words: participatory forest policy, mountainous communities, sustainable forest management, Ukrainian Carpathians