International Conference



Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukraine

May 17 19, 2007


IUFRO Unit 4.05.00 - Managerial Economics and Accounting

IUFRO Unit 4.05.01 - Managerial, social and environmental accounting

IUFRO Unit 4.05.02 - Managerial economics


Используются технологии uCoz

Economic Tools of the Ecological Soundly Forestry in the Context of the Sustainble Development in Ukraine


Pavlo Kravets, National Agricultural University of Ukraine


Imperfect model of the forest resources use and forestry management in Ukraine has caused making of the agricultural approach at the forestry like planting-harvesting. Negative consequences for implementation of that strategy became apparent at: deterioration of the sanitary state of forests; poverty biodiversity in forests; destruction of ecological causation in forest ecosystems; simplification of forest structure; anthropogenic transformation from natural to semi-natural and artificial forests. Above mention problems make for actual necessity of creating of adequate tools for ecologization of forestry in particular economic one.

The main goal of the researches is analysis of ecological state forests in Ukraine, creating classification of the economic tools for ecologization of forestry, estimation of its efficiency in accordance with principles of sustainable development and creates proposals for its development and improvements.

Methodology of researches based on using of general methods of analysis, synthesis, system analysis and experts assessment. State and branch accounts more that 50 years concerning ecological condition of forests in Ukraine and legislation which are creating of the economic tools network of the ecological policy was an experimental material of that research.

Economic tools for ecologization of forestry are proposed to classify on the basis of influence value: potent; material; soft. Potent tools be characterized by direct effect at the management system and foresee providing economic limitation and sanctions. This group of tools has a confined usage and should implement as a continuation of administrative ones. The material tools concerned with a creating of economic system of stimulation and motivation for producers at the medium-term strategy. They include traditional economic tools: payments for natural resources use; payments of pollution of environment, etc. Soft tools are cases development of the ecological safety market of forest products and services. Forest certification is important instruments of this group.

Combination of groups of economic tools determines direction and character of the economic development for country at least: technogenical; weak sustainability; strong sustainability. Existing legislation of the country foresees the possibility of formation of sets and combinations of economic tools enough for providing of weak sustainability. However analysis of its actual state are evidenced low level of efficiency and development. Most part of the actual tools conducts compensation and fiscal functions which do not promote forming motivation for ecologization in forestry. Principal reason of this situation is absent market transformation in forestry. Development of market system should be accompanied by capacity building of the supporting institutional structure, limited liberalization of the governmental regulation system, increase ecological responsibility of the natural resource users.

The main directions of the development of economic tools are: stimulation for development market of ecologically safety goods and services; creation of system for ecologic crediting, financing and allotment; differentiation of the tax legislation under the sustainable development principles; redistribution of the tax duty from common taxes to special payments and fees for the natural resources use and pollutions (stumpage fee, royalties, etc.).

Creating of the economic tools for ecologization of forestry should be support be development of adequate ecological management system, transformation to environmental soundly forestry in operations and implementation system of regulation ecological capacity of territory.

Key words: economic tools, ecologization of forestry, sustainability, market

